Why Your Event should Build Back Greener


2020…Who would have thought that we would be here, now and in this predicament. This year has been challenging and I am sure that we have all had moments of disappointment, sadness and confusion. It has taught us that we cannot control every facet of our lives and certainly has given us more time to think about things we may not have thought about before. There is disruption and that can be challenging for us as it requires us to rethink things but it can also be a great opportunity for us to shift the way we conduct our lives and forming new behaviours. For this reason it is the perfect time to move the focus on what could be possible on the other side of this pandemic and redesign a more sustainable world for us all to live in harmony with. And to be honest it’s about bloody time.

With the recent lockdowns providing time on our side, it’s time to utilise it and come back bigger and greener. What is ‘Build Back Greener’ you ask? Build Back Greener is an opportunity. An opportunity to reset, recreate and introduce sustainable initiatives, goals and solutions.

I see your Event Manager mind ticking with the thought of “but I already use compostable packaging… hang on maybe it’s biodegradable?” and “we have recycling bins”. All valid thoughts, but it’s time to take it to the next step and be rid the single-use ‘easy’ mindset. Still need convincing as to why moving towards reusables such as Green My Plate is the way forward? We can think of a few reasons…

  1. No rubbish covering your picture perfect site, or spilling out of your bins. There’s nothing worse than trudging through rubbish covered dance floors..

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2. Switch your investment of waste crew picking up rubbish and waste removal to a sustainable service cleaning dishes. You may even find it saves you money!


3. Become a leader in sustainability and showcase you are mindful of the environmental impacts your event has towards the waste crisis the planet currently faces. The people have spoken and they want a cleaner planet!


4. Marketing opportunities… we provide you with statistics after the event on how many plates were washed and saved from landfill. Something your attendees will relate to with it being their plate they returned, and feel a sense of ownership and achievement.

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5. Have your food scraps turned into healthy soil by using our simple and effective system that doesn’t leave you with contaminated compost. You can also donate this to a local farmer within the community.


6. No stress event logistics. With all three founders of Green My Plate being Event Managers ourselves and having worked in the industry for over 10 years you can guarantee a seamless operation from bump in to bump out.


7. Food vendors save money by not having to purchase single-use food packaging. We have a variety of plates and bowls to suit all food portions and have worked with the not so convinced vendors who were quickly swayed after using the reusable system. Trust us when we say the food vendors will thank you for it!

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To end, here’s a quote I recently read which really resonated… “There will need to be some risk-taking on the brand level, and we have to educate the consumer. It might look like a steep hurdle right now, but we just shut the whole world down voluntarily. I think we can figure this out.”


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